Teacher Support and Care

AEON has an established system in place to ensure that all teachers receive the support and care necessary for living and working in Japan. This support begins the moment they are hired and continues all throughout their AEON career, enabling our teachers to feel a strong sense of security as they embark on their new life in Japan.

From Recruitment to Your Departure to Japan

  • AEON Recruiters are former AEON teachers who have extensive hands-on experience in Japan and at AEON schools.
  • AEON Recruiters are available throughout the application procedure and up to the point of departure to provide assistance and to answer any questions.
  • For all teachers who are hired and awaiting departure, AEON provides onboarding support through our pre-departure website, online get togethers and newsletters to help teachers prepare for their new life teaching in Japan.
  • AEON sponsors the required work visa for Japan. The paperwork for the Certificate of Eligibility application is processed and submitted by AEON.
  • AEON sends the Certificate of Eligibility to the teacher and the teacher submits their visa application at the Japanese embassy or consulate that has jurisdiction over where the teacher lives.

After Arriving in Japan

  • Upon arrival in Japan, teachers are met at the airport by AEON staff who will assist with transportation to the training center.
  • Transportation costs from the airport to the training center as well as from the training center to the school are covered by AEON. Assistance with navigating the transport system is also provided.
  • A minimum of one-week of Initial Training is provided for all teachers upon arrival in Japan.
  • All trainings are paid throughout the teacher’s time at AEON.
  • Accommodation is provided free of charge during the training period at either a hotel or dormitory.

Settling in at Your New Home

  • AEON provides all teachers with a single occupancy apartment. There are no dormitories.
  • Apartments are fully-furnished with new bedding, a bilingual TV, appliances and cooking utensils.
  • The rent for the apartment is subsidized. Teachers pay a maximum of 55,000 yen per month regardless of where they live.
  • All key money and deposits for the apartment are paid for completely by AEON.
  • AEON will assist teachers in registering their address at their local city office.
  • AEON will assist teachers in opening a Japanese bank account which is used to directly deposit the monthly salary.
  • Assistance with settling into the new teaching position and the local community will also be available.

Vacations and Holidays

  • Three separate one-week vacation periods are granted throughout the year.
  • Teachers will have all national holidays off, all of which are fully paid if they fall on the teacher’s regularly scheduled work day.
  • Five paid personal days are also allocated to each teacher for use during the contract year.


  • Health insurance is provided for all teachers starting from the moment they begin training.
  • All teachers will receive a full health screening once per year.
  • In accordance with Japanese laws, teachers are also covered by employees’ pension insurance, workers’ accidental compensation insurance, and employment insurance.


  • The starting salary for a first year teacher is 275,000 yen. AEON’s salary is guaranteed to be paid on-time via direct deposit. The monthly salary is fixed regardless of the number of classes.
  • Teachers can receive a bonus in their monthly salary when teaching an average of 31 or more lessons per week in the previous calendar month.
  • Overtime is paid whenever teachers are scheduled to work outside of the regular hours or the regular-scheduled workweek.
  • Public transportation costs for the teacher’s commute to and from the school is paid for by AEON. Any other travel expenses related to AEON, for example to trainings and workshops, is also covered by AEON.
  • A one-time Flight Allowance of 70,000 yen is paid to eligible teachers. The allowance is paid after completing Initial Training in the teacher’s first month’s salary.
  • A once only bonus is paid upon completion of the final contract. Teachers completing between 12 months to 23 months will receive 80,000 yen at the end of their final contract. Teachers who have completed 24 months or more will receive 160,000 yen at the end of their final contract.

Throughout the Year

  • Ongoing paid trainings and workshops for teachers are provided throughout a teacher’s entire career at AEON.
  • AEON Schools are located in every one of the 47 prefectures in Japan, allowing for unique cultural and geographic experiences.
  • AEON teachers are welcome to befriend and socialize with students, which makes for an amazing cultural exchange and provide a unique insight into the local area.
  • Guidance and advice on teaching lessons is always available, either through the branch school or from training and educational staff at the Head Office.
  • Teaching materials and lesson plans for both adult and children’s classes are provided.
  • AEON implements state of the art technology in our adult classes through use of digital screens and iPads at all of our schools.
  • Teachers are able to plan, prepare and teach their own classes, gaining valuable teaching experience for their future.
  • AEON partners with a leading TEFL certification organization, CIEE TEFL, where AEON teachers can enroll in a TEFL certification course at a discounted rate. Teachers can earn a TEFL certification while working for AEON.
  • A range of career advancement opportunities are available as AEON is one of the largest and most established companies in the industry.