Your Apartment

When teachers are preparing to go to Japan, there’s no need to worry about searching for a place to live or getting along with a roommate. AEON provides all teachers with their own single-occupancy apartment. The branch school takes care of negotiating with landlords or realtors for the teacher, so the teacher can move in immediately. AEON also takes care of the deposits and key money which greatly reduces the startup cost. Furthermore, to make the cost of living equal for all teachers, a maximum limit for rent is set. Anything above that limit is subsidized by AEON. Teachers are only responsible for their rent and utilities.

All apartments come furnished with a new futon and set of bedding, a TV that has bilingual capabilities, an air conditioner/heater, refrigerator, and stove. Basic pots, pans, utensils, and dishes are also provided. Teachers need only bring their clothing and a few personal effects.

Apartments differ in style and size, but are at least 205 square feet (19 square meters). An apartment of these dimensions is quite standard for single people living in Japan. After adding a few personal touches, teachers find that it doesn’t take long to feel at home in their new accommodations. Usually, apartments are in residential areas with easy access to supermarkets, convenience stores, and dry cleaners.

AEON schools are located in convenient areas and are therefore close to restaurants, bookstores, cinemas, sports clubs, shopping centers, parks, internet cafés, and many other places where teachers can enjoy their time outside of work. Most teachers commute to their schools by train, subway, bus, or in some cases a short walk.

All AEON apartments are single occupancy only and pets are not allowed.